AI knowledge hub

Feeling Drowned in Tech Hiring? De Dolphins throws you a Lifesaver!

Struggling with finding and the process of hiring top developers, designers, data and ai whizzes? We train talented individuals, then connect them to your projects. It's a win-win: you get skilled tech talent, they get life-changing careers. Dive in with De Dolphins and watch your business soar!


Describe your idea/task

Task posting

Task assignment

Quality assurance

Data analyst

Data science

Web/App design & development

Graphic design & animation

Ai & Machine learning

Here’s how De Dolphins works

Unearthing Potential

We source passionate individuals, regardless of background, with a thirst for knowledge and success in tech.

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Building Skills

Our intensive training program equips them with the latest in-demand technologies through practical, hands-on learning.

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Project Launch

Businesses subscribe to our user-friendly platform, gaining access to a pool of pre-vetted tech talent.

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Project Takeoff

Post your project details and requirements – no need for lengthy job descriptions. De Dolphins connects you with the perfect match for the job based on skill and experience.

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Collaboration & Management

Our platform facilitates seamless communication and project management. You can easily track progress, provide feedback, and collaborate effectively with your dedicated tech expert.

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Mission Accomplished

You receive high-quality deliverables on time and within budget. De Dolphins ensures your vision is brought to life and your project is a success.

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Software Designers

Our software designers are masters of crafting intuitive, user-friendly interfaces and robust backend systems. Whether you need a sleek mobile app, a responsive website, or a complex software solution, our designers have the skills and creativity to bring your vision to life.

Empowering the Future with Ssebowa AI

Ssebowa AI, built by De Dolphins, offers open-source AI models similar to Stability AI. Here's what you get:

Free Chat

Talk naturally with our AI-powered chatbot, just like ChatGPT3. (Free to use!)

Affordable APIs

Access powerful AI features for text generation, image analysis, and language translation at significantly lower costs than OpenAI.

Sustainable Impact

We display ads after chatbot interactions, with all profits going towards tree planting and helping those in need.

Why Choose De Dolphins?


Skilled Talent Pool

Access a diverse and skilled workforce trained in the latest technologies and methodologies.

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Reduce hiring costs with our subscription model, eliminating the need for lengthy recruitment processes.

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Quality Work

Benefit from high-quality work delivered by motivated and trained individuals.

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Social Impact

Support a business model that transforms lives by providing education and job opportunities to those in need.

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Time & Money Saved

No more wasted resources on recruitment, onboarding, or managing employees. De Dolphins' subscription model is cost-effective and predictable, saving you both time and money.

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Effortless Subscription

Forget agency quotes and freelancer negotiations. Choose a transparent monthly plan that fits your needs. Predictable costs, simplified budgeting.

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Pricing and plans for everyone

Ditch the budget blues! De Dolphins' flexible plans keep your tech dreams afloat. Pay only for what you need, and watch your projects soar. Get a free quote today!

Web & Graphic Design

Per Task
  • A Day → 200€
  • A Week → 850€
  • A Month → 3000€

Web & App Development

Per Task
  • A Day → 250€
  • A Week → 900€
  • A Month → 3200€

Data Science & Analytics

Per Task
  • A Day → 400€
  • A Week → 1500€
  • A Month → 5000€

AI Expertise

Per Task
  • A Day → 600€
  • A Week → 2500€
  • A Month → 6500€

This pricing is negotiable

Frequently asked questions

Have questions about De Dolphins' innovative approach to tech talent? We've got you covered! Dive into our FAQs to discover how De Dolphins empowers businesses and unlocks the potential of talented individuals. Let's transform your tech needs together!

See More

De Dolphins is a software company that bridges the gap between businesses needing tech talent and talented individuals ready to launch their careers. We train individuals, regardless of background, and connect them to your projects through a convenient subscription platform.

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